The Case For Crystal Reports Automation
Modern enterprises must automate their business processes to ensure the timely generation of reports; a key component to devising crucial strategies and making important business decisions. It may not be practical and cost effective to manually generate and send reports every time different departments demand them. Nevertheless, the reports may be crucial and have to be sent. In some cases, corporate reporting staff must work overtime to generate and send reports. This adds to overall operating costs, and forces reporting analysts to divert precious time from writing more effective reports to performing tasks a machine could do. More than ever, analysts have a desire to automate Crystal Reports to save both time and money.Scheduling Crystal Reports
CRD is an effective Crystal Reports Scheduler that can automatically generate error-free reports any time in specified formats- MS Word, MS Excel, HTML, RTF, Acrobat or text. CRD also gives you the flexibility to generate and automate Crystal Reports based on events rather than date and time using real time monitoring with the event based or event triggered scheduling option. You can set the reports to be sent when a database value reflects on the system, when certain modifications are made in a file or when an email is received or sent. CRD’s use proves very helpful in business process management– the systematic approach to make an organization’s work flow more effective, efficient and capable of adapting to changes in the market and industry environment.Email Crystal Report Automatically
CRD will deliver your reports automatically by email using SMTP, Secure SMTP, Exchange Server or Cloud Services like Office 365 and GMail. You can send a single report in an email, or package up a number of reports and send them in a single email. You can zip the output before attaching too. The email body can be customized, using database, report or calculated values e.g Name to make it more personal. Worried about security? CRD can password protect PDF outputs before email delivery.Crystal Reports Automation: Business Use Case
The timely generation and distribution of business reports is integral to the efficiency of business processes and requires the use of automation tools to schedule, produce and send business reports. CRD can not only schedule Crystal Reports automatically to email but also to printer, fax, folder, FTP, Sharepoint, Dropbox and SMS, delivering them to different destinations, as required. This reduces the need for manual intervention and eliminates the chance of any error or delay in report generation. You can also automate Crystal Reports by running them multiple times with different parameters, formats, frequencies, and destinations.